Thursday, April 30, 2015

Robo Phobia?

Should we be concerned about a world with more and more advanced robots taking on human tasks?  Will people become too attached to their robots? Will artificial intelligence someday make robots independent of humans? What kind of laws are needed to regulate the use of robots?

 Do We Need Asimov's Laws?

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Morals and the Machine

Death by Robot

Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Humanity? Here are 5 Reasons Not to Worry

UN Considers Ethics of "Killer Robots"

The Big Robot Questions

Are there ethical issues of entrusting the care of your elderly parents to robots? Or will personal robots help the elderly live longer and more independently?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Should Missouri Allow Driverless Cars?

Scenario: There are currently only a few states that allow driverless or autonomous cars on public roads. The Missouri Legislature is considering changing the law to allow these vehicles on Missouri roads. As a member of the General Assembly Transportation Committee, you will have to decide whether to support this bill.

Please conduct more research on the benefits and concerns of these new vehicles, using the links below or other articles that you find. After reading about the pros/cons of driverless cars, write a one-page brief that outlines your position. It should be formatted as follows:

Position: A clear position either for or against allowing driverless cars on Missouri roads

Point One: A succinct sentence (bolded) followed by a paragraph (non-bolded) explaining that point

Point Two: A succinct sentence (bolded) followed by a paragraph (non-bolded) explaining that point

Point Three: A succinct sentence (bolded) followed by a paragraph (non-bolded)  explaining that point

Summary: Not really a summary, but three questions you have for the other side of the argument.

Tomorrow, we will simulate a General Assembly Committee Hearing. Each of you will have an opportunity to discuss your views on this proposal, including asking questions of other members.

Who's Afraid of Driverless Cars?

States Take the Wheel on Driverless Cars

Ban Driverless Cars? The NHSTA Says Yes

Look, no hands

Driverless Cars for the Road Ahead

Google Results for State Legislature Driverless Cars

Monday, April 27, 2015

Driverless Cars

Could your next car be a driverless car? Could driverless cars actually be safer than cars driven by humans? How would driverless cars change the legal landscape concerning insurance, speed limits, and driver's licenses? The technology is currently being developed and mass production may not be that far off.

Look, no hands--The Economist takes a look at the benefits of driverless cars.

Driverless Cars for the Road Ahead-The Wall Street Journal examines the future of driverless cars

A look at Google's Driverless Car

Mercedes Benz Driverless Car


 Volvo's "Car Train"

Monday, April 20, 2015

Personal Robot Research & Presentation

The field of personal robots is rapidly emerging, however, the design, role, and functionality of personal robots is quite diverse. More time and money is needed to continue the research and development of these futuristics assistants.

Your task:
You will be on a team of 3-4 individuals, assigned to research a particular personal robot. You will conduct research on the development (who, when, how, history, etc.) of the personal robot, its functions or abilities, and proposed use. Also, how far away is it from mass production or how long do you think it will be before these are actually on the market and in people's houses?

After you have conducted your research, create a presentation (GoogleDocs, Prezi, Slideshare, etc) that demonstrates and explains the value of your personal robot. Your presentation should be framed as a "sales pitch" or a justification for continued funding and support for the development of the robot.

You should spend today and Thursday (20 minutes) conducting research and creating the presentation.

Presentations will take place Friday.

Presentations should have a minimum of 6 slides, not including any title pages or citations. Your final slide should contain your citations (minimum of 5 citations). Your presentation should include graphics and at least one video.

Here are the personal robots:




QB (Anybots)



Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Forum: Flashback Edition

We have looked at several topics over the course of this semester, but what new developments are there? Today we are going to revisit some of those topics and see what's happening.

ISIS pushed back in Iraq
ISIS moves in on Ramadi

Iran is Raising Sophistication of Cyberattacks
Evidence Links China to Cyberattack

Space Travel
Watch SpaceX failed landing
SpaceX brings cargo

KC Passes Ordinance that Could Drive Out Uber
Boko Haram Kidnapped Girls One Year Ago

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Personal Robots

How long will it be before households or individuals have personal robots? What will their role be? Is it just a science fiction fantasy? These videos explore the possibilities.

Meet Eddie, the Robot

Personal Robots Moving Closer to Reality

ASIMO Goes to the Big Apple

Romo: The Smartphone Robot

Rezero: The Ballbot

Pepper the Personal Robot

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Weaponized Military Robots

The use of robots in the military for non-lethal tasks like carrying equipment and reconnaissance is becoming more common. But what about robots equipped with weapons? Is this really the future of modern warfare? If so, what are the ethical considerations of using weaponized robotics?

As you can see in the video, weaponized robots are a possibility in the not so distant future. How does that change the landscape of war? Will weaponized robots make warfare more likely? How can we be sure that they will be accurate and discern friend from foe? By removing the human element from at least part of the equation, how does that impact warfare? Will countries fight wars in the future with all robot militaries?

Please read this article on the ethics of robots in the military and autonomous killing machines.  As you read, think about the questions raised by the author.

UN Report on Autonomous Weaponized Robots in Combat

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Robots in the Military

The use of robots and artificial intelligence in the military is not new. In recent years, the use of drones has increased dramatically and robots have been used in a number of non-combat services. However, new technology and development has led to expanded use and the potential for non-human combat operations is becoming closer to reality. The following links include both video and articles for you to view/read to find out more about these new technologies.

How Military Robots Work: Read this article to look at various uses of robot technology in the military

Military & Space Robots: Check out all the cools things robots can do!

Killer Robots with Automatic Rifles

Atlas: The Humanoid Military Robot

The Wildcat: The Military's Galloping Robot

Robobugs: How long before military use?

  TALOS: Will the next generation of soldiers be equipped like Iron Man?

Guardbot: The future of sentry patrols?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Robots in the Medical Field

Will robots revolutionize the way that medicine and medical treatment is administered? Will robots and artificial intelligence lead to new breakthroughs in the field of medicine?

Read the following articles/view the videos below and answer the questions with each.

The Robots of Medicine: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?
Do the results associated with robotic surgery/medicine justify its costs?

12 Advances in Medical Robots
Read through the various medical robots. Which ones are most impressive and will have the greatest impact?

Future of Medicine?: New Robot Can Draw Your Blood
Given the choice between a human or a robot, which would you rather have draw your blood and why?

Surgery's Future: Robots in Medicine
How does the da Vinci medical robot improve the surgical process?

Robotic Surgery Complications Underreported
Should this report cause concern over the use of medical robots? Should we slow down development and ensure that robotic surgery is safer?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Forum: Restrictions on Welfare Recipients

Proposals concerning welfare recipients in Kansas and Missouri have made national headlines the last few weeks. Lawmakers are concerned that some people are abusing their government assistance and using money for unnecessary or extravagant food and other items.

Kansas wants to ban welfare recipients from buying...

Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

The rich get government handouts too

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Robots in the Workplace (cont)

Yesterday you read several articles on the future of the work place as new technology is increasing the use of robots in the work force. Today we will watch several videos and discuss whether the use of robots in the work place is a positive or negative.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Robots in the Workplace

Will robots increase productivity and boost the economy or will they replace American workers and leave them unemployed?

Read the following three articles to find out more about the impact of robots in the American workplace. Tomorrow, we will discuss and debate whether or not the increased use of robots in the workplace is a positive or negative. As you read, create a two-column chart noting the benefits and concerns of this development in the workforce.

New Robots in the Workplace: Job Creators or Job Terminators?

Better Than Humans: Why Robots Will--And Must Take Our Jobs

Robots Are Leaving the Factory Floor and Heading for Your Desk (And Your Job)

Monday, April 6, 2015


Our next unit focuses on robots and artificial intelligence. To begin, let's explore some discussion questions on the use of robots.

1. What images spring to mind when you hear the word "robot"?
2. Will robots take over the world some day?
3. Do you see robots as harmful or helpful?
4. Which robot movie is your favorite?
5. If you could create a robot, what would you have it do (primarily)?
6. What role will robots play in our society later this century?
7. Will robots ever look identical to humans?
8. Do you think robots will ever have emotions?
9. What name would you give your robot?
10. Will robots have rights?
11. When do you think robots will replace McDonald's workers?
12. Do you think people will have robots as companions, instead of a pet?
13. What economic effects will there be with increased jobs being replaced by robots?
14. Would you rather deal with a robot or a human clerk in stores?
15. Would you cry if your robot of ten years died?
16. How much of the human body will be replaced by machines? Will there be androids in the future?
17. How will warfare change with increased use of robots as soldiers?
18. Would you rather have a human or robot surgeon?
19. How soon before driverless cars are the norm?
20. Will sports be dominated by robots in the future?