Thursday, February 19, 2015

What Does ISIS Want?

We now know about the origins of ISIS, but what exactly are its goals? What does it hope to accomplish? The short answer to that question is to establish a caliphate. But upon further analysis, it is more complex than that.

How big of  threat is ISIS to the United States? Is this something that should be a priority for US military or is this more of a regional threat that should be handled by countries in the Middle East?


Read the following articles to find out more about what ISIS is trying to accomplish and how they are going about it. Are they a threat to Americans? After reading several of the articles and watching the video below (use your earbuds), create two lists: ISIS Goals & ISIS Tactics. Also, assess the threat ISIS poses to the United States. On a scale of 1-10, how worried should we be?

Beheading Video Sends Brutal Message to America: What Does ISIS Want?

ISIS Goals and Possible Future Gains

How Serious a Threat is ISIS?

ISIS Wants to Establish a Caliphate

ISIS Goals and Tactics (video)

What ISIS Really Wants

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