Monday, February 2, 2015

Cybercrime/Hacker Groups: Anonymous, Lizard Squad, & Lulzsec

Hacker groups have made headlines for attacks on other websites, corporations, gaming systems, and even government sites. Among the most famous are Anonymous, Lizard Squad, and Lulzsec. Who is behind these groups? What is their motive? Are they a form of online vigilante justice or criminals hiding behind a keyboard?

This is Lizard Squad

LulzSec: What They Did, Who They Were, and How They Got Caught

Activists or Attackers: Anonymous

Choose one of the above groups and read the article about them. Also check out the wikipedia page about your group and make a list of some of their well known hacktivity.

Anonymous, Lizard Squad, and Lulzsec are not the only hacker groups causing problems. Read about a few others that are active in disrupting systems.

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