Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Origins of ISIS

A year ago, very few people in the United States knew about or were talking about ISIS. Today, they dominate the news and most Americans are aware of their actions in Syria and Iraq. However, many of us wonder where did they come from? Who started ISIS? How did it grow so quickly?

The roots of ISIS: Read the following article and this article about the origins of ISIS. As you read, define/note how each of the following are involved in the formation of ISIS.

  1. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
  2. The 2003 invasion of Iraq
  3. AQI
  4. the "Awakening"
  5. Prime Minister Maliki & the Shiite-Sunni conflict
  6. US Withdrawal from Iraq
  7. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
  8. Syrian Civil War
  9. Mosul

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